Be advised .McCarrron and Spencer are seizing control of the New Jersey
Council and Albany Pension funds.
The New Jersey and Albany funds are to be merged with the Empire Pension Fund which is not supposed to exist because the UBC told the IRS they dissolved the Empire Council and merged all the funds with the Northeast Council Funds. Now instead of Albany and the Empire fund being merged with the New Jersey fund they are being merged with the Empire Fund which according to the notice will be renamed the Northeast Carpenters Pension Fund. Does this make any sense. Only when you know that Doug McCarron and Frank Spencer along with some hack from California (the CEO of the AGC) who has nothing to do with a NY fund are Empire fund trustees. To round it off a few mindless clowns from upstate, such as Mike Shanahan from Local 291,were made Empire trustees, I wonder which investments demands the NJ Trustees refused to make.
The main point here for "just me" anyways since it is why "I" am in wonder is why did they take the Albany Fund(a legit fund) and then Take the New Jersey Fund(a legit fund) and out them both in the Empire Fund(questionable fund due to the Empire Council being dissolved many years ago ) which was said to have been merged with the New Jersey Fund at the time the Empire Council was dissolved.(maybe this was a misunderstanding on my part) So who will be the new fund renamed "The Northeast Carpenters Pension" fund Trustees. Who will be the new funds renamed "The Northeast Carpenters Pension" funds lawyers and so on and so forth. Will it be Doug McCarron ,Frank Spenser and the Empire Crew. Will it be the New Jersey Fund crew. I am fairly sure it will not be the Albany crew. Will it be a combination of all the Union and Employer Trustees from each of the 3 funds??
I suppose the confusion begins here. On August 16 ,2011 John Ballantyne who on that DATE was the President of the New Jersey Regional Council (Just Renamed The Northeast Council) and Mike Capelli who on that date was EST of the New Jersey Regional Council (Just Renamed The Northeast Council) signed a Terminal LM2 as Pres and as EST . The Forms Question 10 asked the following question
10. During the reporting period did the labor organization create or participate in the administration of a trust or a fund or organization, as defined in the instructions, which provides benefits for members or beneficiaries? ANSWER WAS YES!!! In Part 69. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SUMMARY It declared:Questione10: Did the labor organization create or participate in the administration of a trust or a fund or organization, as defined in the instructions, which provides benefits for members or beneficiaries Question 10: EMPIRE STATE CARPENTERS PENSION FUND 270 MOTOR PARKWAY HAUPPAGE, NY 11788 PURPOSE PENSION BENEFITS TO PARTICIPANTS AND BENEFICIARIES IRS FORM 5500, EIN# 11-1991772 PLAN 001 EMPIRE STATE CARPENTERS WELFARE FUND 270 MOTOR PARKWAY HAUPPAGE, NY 11788 PURPOSE WELFARE BENEFITS TO PARTICIPANTS AND BENEFICIARIES IRS FORM 5500 AND 990, EIN# 11-1582767 PLAN 501 EMPIRE STATE CARPENTERS ANNUITY FUND 270 MOTOR PARKWAY HAUPPAGE, NY 11788 PURPOSE ANNUITY BENEFITS TO PARTICIPANTS AND BENEFICIARIES IRS FORM 5500, EIN# 11-2824705 PLAN 001 EMPIRE STATE CARPENTERS LABOR MANAGEMENT COOPERATIVE FUND 270 MOTOR PARKWAY HAUPPAGE, NY 11788 IRS FORM 990, EIN# 11-3476974 NAS INFORMATION RESOURCE, INC 91 FIELDCREST AVE, 2ND FLOOR EDISON, NJ 08837 IRS FORM 990, EIN# 45-0637407YES!!!!!!Question 15: During the reporting period did the labor organization acquire or dispose of any assets in a manner other than purchase or sale? THE ANSWER WAS YES!!!!!! AND In Part 69. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SUMMARY It declared:Question 15: All of the assets of the Empire State Regional Council were transferred to the Northeast Regional Council of Carpenters as of 4/5/11 upon termination of the Empire Regional Council
Go Here to review the entire Pension
Fund 5500. Use the EIN with no space

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