#1 The White Liar...
#2 The Casual or Impulsive Liar
#3 Compulsive or Careless Liars. Lying becomes a habit for these people
#4 Pathological liars. ...
#5 Narcissistic liar. ...
#6 Sociopathic Liars. ...
#7 Psychopathic liars...
Psychopathic liars almost completely
dissociate their psychopathic tendencies from their normal lives- even
though they are completely integrated into each other.
(metaphorical, yet, often simultaneously literal) one who habitually and effortlessly utters falsehoods

Think you could insert any name and it would fit
Think you could insert any name and it would fit
Brian Quinn.
There are more of those stricken letters. We have them.
Why not also for kicks ... Ask tommy doc how many he knew of.
Quinn. You have lied to many courts.
You have bullied many members.
You arent going to beat us in philadelphia. We are smarter than you.
Laches? Unstoppel?
You want to go there?
News flash.
Neither of those apply. The ubc operates in 50 states.
That means alllllll precedent is admissable.
Jerk off.
That is a losing battle. You will not beat us. We are pissed off. We are educated, and we will not relent.
The scum of the Earth and thats what they all have in common. Liars! From these Stooges to Dumb and Dumber they all Lie Lie and Lie some more. That's why they like each other. They will say and do anything to keep their jobs.
the extortion tatics used by this union is insane that letter acually makes me sick these guys need to be punished i think a class action lawsuit should go down
Thank you for adding to this story
It’s time we take our dues back from these self serving criminals!!!! The MUP program, the MAP Assessment, all the other assessments are all being collected and used without member approval!!! No Union is now allowed to collect money from anyone’s wages without their written consent, and the money must be used in a manner that a) is approved by the member, and b) is in the best interest of the member!!!
So where is all the MUP money??? Where is all the MAP money?? When did the members approve the MAP assessment?? When did the members approve the MUP program???
As for the illegality of the conduct of the managers of the EAS, if it was illegal for Johnny Doc to use members money to buy dinner, entertainment, and give out jobs for friends and family who have zero qualifications and don’t even show up on a regular basis, then it’s also illegal for the EAS to do the same!!! Compare the current EAS LM2 to Johnny Doc’s indictment and you’ll see it’s the same activity so you can expect the same results!!!
Be advised Team McCarron that we working members are going to be bringing some change to the UBC!!!!
Waterkotte I heard of you have a drink it will stop your shakes.
Mix 20/ 20 also was decietful and used coercive tactics.
This was the new and " only" way to pursue union employment aside from free solicitation.
This was the councils " representation" . A computer with an algorithm.
Which was abused to ( another story)
Allll to get you to sign your power of attorney and cba rights over.
This case is being pursued .. Part of it was settled... And will be posted.
The other part is being pursued independently.
Thats what the poster was referring to above with
Laches and Unstoppel terms that Lyin Brian Quinn tried to use.
Lots and lots of Liars in Philadelphia..... right Hand and Hocker
Attention no Rep or Executive Board members are for you.
In Nj no reps explain ruling on mups they act like the brotherhood did us a favor. It was brought up in a meeting it was posted how NLRB ruled on the weak never viewed 253 site. President then said no it was all wording were not allowed to call it a fine. Mups continued for some time after.
I remember that! Thanks guys
Not no more. Ucan stick it in your arse Billy sprolles.
Hey all you reps that. Watch this site to se what the members know about your wrongdoings. Just rember I’m sure your not the only ones watching the info getting exposed. Hang in there. Guys. As long as you can. Change is eventually coming. Biden won’t be doing you any favors. He won’t even know we kinda backed. Him. What was a week before the election. You guys came out. I’m small help. Lol.
Does anyone find it interesting the mupp program was never discussed in cba But members are being thrown out for not perticapating in them. Tommy doc. Maybe you should look into that and see what cba the mupp program binds us to. Please right in when you find it
And you can link them together.
Trish Mueller. Nrcc kml eas.
Marita Crawford. Ibew 98.
The 2 money laundresses.
They helped bring you.
Mayor Jim Kenney and his soda tax pre k slushie.
Kevin Dougherty ( docs brother)
Pa Sup Court.
Upheld soda tax.
Redistricted pa voting.
Changed voting laws unconstirutionally ( as we see in real time)
Alllll by Georgie , Donny, and Philip Norcross.
Youll also not we are paying
Connor/ Strong/ Buckelew.
On the lm2.
The group that helped oust us from the CC. Ohhhh. Btw. The executive pres of that company is George Norcross III.
Carpenito’s resignation comes as the Electoral College cast their votes Monday to make Joe Biden the next president of the United States. Biden will have his pick to appoint the next U.S. Attorney of New Jersey upon Carpenito’s resignation.
This is a long established practice when new presidents get elected. In some cases certain appointees stay on but most usually move in to something else.
This Brian Quinn must be a real winner to represent these tools. Bottom of the barrel clients. Attorneys with pride and integrity would tell these criminals to get lost.
Quinn is DeCarlo Shanley.
His client is Doug McCarron.
Ya know.. We pay his salary too.
We get to pay taxes... To fund the agencies designed to protect and provide oversight... The courts... The judges.. The clerks.
Then we get the extra bonus of paying dues to foot the bill for attorneys that protect the very people we are trying to effect oversight on. Quite a rackett.
Meanwhile. While paying ALL salaries involved... They steal and rob us blind.
It is insanity.
Since we pay for Quinn and he is an expert in defined benefit plans, can we ask him some questions? In Philly, why does our annuity money go into the same fund as the pension money? Why do we now have two annuities? And why did we only get 1 percent interest for years and the Fed rates were much hire? Since the Reps can't even form a complete sentence to answer these questions and the funds office will not answer these questions, shouldn't Quinn, since he claims to be an expert? Oh ya, and what role did the Feds play in giving us our annuity bonus, which is what the Reps call the second annuity? Last questions for Quinn the expert we pay for, is that second annuity actually a bonus from our Represtatives and did the Feds make the union give us all the money that was actually ours or did the union settle and short the members? Thanks Quinn, start getting ready now.
George laughfenberg son his head broker to at the investment firm that has Jersey funds account. Nothing wrong with that??????
Hey guys do you really think we don’t have all the screenshots. Of the Facebook pages with the reps telling the members to pay retirees cash ? For a mandatory mupp activity
The " 1st Annuity" most of us have... Was set up and designed that no one could touch it. Ever.
Conservative in its roi... It was a safeguard to insure the member would have something if all else failed.
Bamm. Enter the 2nd annuity.
One that ubc and mccarron COULD have access to that fund to " invest" in things they see fit... Without restraint.
Also. No guarentee.
Payyyy attention.
They are slowly leveraging your pension and annuity away.
As of 2014. They lobbied to get the multi employer act.
Read the language!!!
As of now. Mccarron can unilaterally slash pensions up to 110% ( yeah you read that right)
Also. With the new 120% funding mandate. All raises will be foregone into the fund to keep it at this level.
Members should flood the funds office with calls.
You need to know whats going on.
You generate these funds. That doesnt mean you will ever see it.
Many of the other trades are retiring now with 7 figure annuities and a pension because they have investment options in their annuities. Giving employees 1 or 2 percent and NO OPTIONS in the Philadelphia annuity is a lawsuit waiting to happen. Ask Quinn that as well.
Waterkott lie ?? No hes just a backstabber. The liar was his assistant Shilling, that lowlife greasy slimeball was such a liar he fit all 7 categories of Liar and more. They were quite a team, "The Members Team" to be exact, they even made little lapel pins that said so!
As far as I was told at some point in the early 2000’s before 06, the fund took the market rate return that selected investments yielded it and moved into the Pension fund and we got from there forward 1%. This was done, I was told, to shore up the Pension fund. Meanwhile we individual members lost tens of thousands of dollars in interest.
Still think 254’s abrantas police badge could’ve saved the union. Not sure of this but did 254’s Manny catch that beaten that put him in the hospital and disability because he flashed a badge......
It seems like everyone is lost here and that is why complete disclosure is the law. The ruling will be straight forward the pension contributions go into the pension fund, the annuity contributions go into your own annuity fund, and savings plan contributions go into your savings plan fund. The above posts is correct after the first lawsuit you will have options in your annuity fund investments and you will be compensated the difference. Just call your local attorney and they will love this one. Class action also.
Is their an existing lawsuit one could join??
If you want to highlight the corruption...
Keep a paper trail.
Step 1.
Put a motion forward at your local meeting that the local must allow the interview process of attorneys to represent the members.
The ubc has no problem taking your dues check offs to hire attorneys to protect themselves from their criminal enterprises.
As dues paying members we should and do have the right to seek counsel and have that paid by our locals as we pay that tab too.
Here is where the corruption of the ubc starts.
Any local president or board member or rep who tries to bury this request, gavel it out of order, intimidate, threaten or coerce any member or group of members should immediately be brought up on charges of willful misconduct, abdicating the oath as sworn officers, and willful negligence in the exercise of their duties and positions under Roberts Rules.
This is where it starts.
Names. Dates. Minutes, topic, importance of suit, and discovery.
They will try and shut it down.
At that point you have all the facts and names to sue every board member individually.
When counsel is appointed by the UBC then your cause just was validated further.
Its your labor. Your future. Your money. Your security.
Are you going to allow a lackey nobody like a Mike Campbell or a Romeo Carsello or a JR Hocker deny you what you work for.
We pay their salaries.
Ubc. Badges. Funny shit. We are run by a bunch of tools. What a joke. Feds. Time is now the investagation will prove we are 100 times worse the uaw Union.
Every time I see Campbell or Hocker or Hand I want to throw up. Seriously. The thought that they are so unqualified and I work so hard to pay their salary makes me and other guys on my job sick. I will never volunteer or do a picket line until they are gone and many others say the same. We volunteer and give to charity more than enough having money taken out of our checks that feed unqualified representatives. Think about that and if you think that attitude is bad put yourself in our shoes. Some of us are more than qualified on any job we go on and have been offered better packages with better benefits to run huge non union jobs lately. My attitude will change when positive changes are made at the hall and we get some intelligence down there.
Dirty Antonio Godinho another badge flasher what do you do Oh that’s right you’re the guy that scurries around putting trackers on cars. You’ve come a long way from wearing oversized FUBU shirts and droopy draws. You now what will make your watch collection pop some handcuffs!
I hear ya bro.
As an over 30 yr member... Watching whats going on... For the 1st time i was offered 3 big time jobs with some very big outfits. I had to pause and really think about it.
Better pay. Better benefits. Equal to or better health care.
Now. That being said.
I am retiring and taking one of those jobs.
The ONLY thing the ubc has control over is my healthcare.
Thats it. I dont need it as my wife carries it... And the new company offers it.
They cant touch or mess with anything else. To dispel the urban myth.... Not even my pension.
See. Youve been lied to allll these years.
I am not signing their clause. They can f themselves.
The lawsuit involved messing with an ( as of now federally protected pension) is one they dont want.
Now why on earth would doug want to get full control of our pensions? See above.
For over 10 years they have been slowly advocating for " self funding" of pensions. For lack of a better easy explanation.
The ubc s worst nightmare is an EX union carpenter working against them.
Its happening bc they either let it or are tooo incompetent to stop it.
Structure Tone. 99% non union supts. They bought LF Driscoll.
Driscoll isnt even signed with carpenters in new jersey.
Neither is Skanska.
Intech is flipping.
Wake up kids.
As i said. It is by design or by sheer ignorance.
Sadly. You will never get an answer.
Can you even imagine how much work we are losing?
How many " friends" we are losing?
This leadership cant even keep their own carpenters on board.
Can you imagine how they handle " clients"?
Sure. Sure. Nahhh. Dont worry about thatttt contract. You do whatever makes you happy.
Meanwhile. Guys we signed a really great contract. We voted on it already sooo dont you worry your pretty heads about it.
We do need you to step it up and give allll your rules away.... Itll reallly boost work.
In an alley in everywhere city usa
The union rep gets his envelope.
Back on the job... Ummm yeah.. Boss? Shouldnt we have harnesses and individual lifelines on this?
Boss. " look if you dont like it than i guess we have no work"
Heres your check orrrr bettter. " we will mail it"
Meanwhile our hero reps in another alley... Thanks. Heres your bonus.
Back on the job... You new guys. Get out there and get that done.
( not knowing any better they do it bc they are job scared.... Then one dies.
Union. We have the highest integrity and work rules around.
GC. umm. They didnt follow our safety compliance.
Company..." Uhh. Yeah. I dont think we had anyone by that name.
Ohhh yeahhh. He died en route to the hospital. Sad.
Lawyers. We are going to sue all of you!!!
The widow. I miss my husband.
The kids. " mommy, when is daddy coming home"?
Back in the alley.
Business rep gets another envelope.
And no where is justice served.
Tim Breslyn. Has been collecting envelopes for years. !!!!!
Its every man for themselves because that is what the leadership has created with their lies, lack of transparency, and "but I have kids too" excuse not to stand up to their corrupt bosses. So I too have no problem working union and non union to feed my family. Cash is coming in just like the Reps.
Safety is just another work rule that we have lost in Philadelphia and throughout the rest of the UBC, thanks to McCarron, Spencer, and their local minions like Sproule. Now we live under the dark cloud of “if you don’t want to do that, no problem, that new Provisional carpenter will do it for you for less”.
Don’t get comfortable Billy your day is coming 2021 is going to be the year we members start getting even......
Strongest of the fittest lol alpha dog 🐶 we have a speaker today that’s helped so many Fortune 500 companies (ITC Las Vegas)
Remember every Rep is part of the problem enjoying their salary the car and golf outings. Yes they are helping their guys along. That’s not helping the membership when the Feds come I bet they will all have a reason on their actions
Hocker is all upset. !!! No promotion for you suckass !!!!
Hocker realized his throat is onlyyyyy so deep.
JR. Try cupping and gagging.
Like you did for eddie.
Hocker the members need an update on you getting overwhelmed and your anxiety when you have to visit job sites. Please update the dues paying members on the local 158 website editor JHOCKER
We havent had transparency since the day we were dissolved.
Why would you expect it now?
JR Hocker is the lowest form of scumbag out there.
JR Hocker is concerned only with JR Hocker.
Selling used cars online ( less anxiety) is not the future he wants.
As of this moment the illegal activities have been contained.
Broad Street Ghosting.
Convention Center " misappropriation" of manhours.
The traps you laid out in the past always come back... Because you " forget" where they are.
We havent forgotten.
Get rid of Hocker before we lose it all!
Jersey Reps are way more unscrupulous then anything you can imagine be very careful.
You all had a chance to right so many wrongs at the convention...... but you all probably figured you’d be gone because that’s what you would do.
Remember it’s not gay sex in prison it’s just sex😉
Post Brothers construction was apparently given a " concession" in contract form .. I am still double checking this. Any help would be appreciated.
The concession ... Per Healy Long Jevic... That carpenters will not honor or participate in any job actions.
There was a pickett line put up.
Carpenters were told to cross it without question.... " its in the contract"
Kudos to the men who refused.
Typically most contracts include a no lock out work stoppage clause which includes a sympathy striking in support of another trades picket line. So this would not be something that would be conceded unless your contract doesn’t include a no lock out work stoppage clause.
Either way you as a member are entitled to a copy of any concession made to the contract if you ask for it.
The Academy Liars Award for the role of sickest carpenter in EAS Council goes to Jamie Covid Seratella.
Did you get covid in a 3 way with Sproule and Bruguearas probably smoking each other with Johnny Cigars Defalco.
No surprise you can’t show up to a virtual meeting and all the times you never showed up in person to the meetings as the rest of the executive board covered for you (that doesn’t include you being away as chaperone to Vegas) Maybe your scared from the time rowdy scaffold guys were talking over you when you had the floor. One question Jamie do you feel like you have the floor little man?
Ever wonder why Gino Zilocchi is always at his house on virtual meeting while the others are in Edison.
Sounds like he’s locked in a room like Howard Hughes urinating in bottles sleeping with lights on hair grown out fingernails excessively long.
Far cry from Tutti and Paulie gangster personas from Goodfellas
Maybe he has permission like his cousin Bobby Cokey Satriano another fraud
Jamie do you feel like your the President of 253. Roosevelt was photographed and filmed more and he was hiding his paralysis.
You can’t show to a virtual meeting.
It’s ok just close your eyes and say there’s no place like home.....oh that’s right you’re already there.
You just hide.....hide like you did in the field on big jobs!
Hurry your spaghettis are getting cold
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