The union representing striking carpenters will temporarily stop picketing at union-sanctioned construction sites in Seattle after a series of unsanctioned wildcat strikes Thursday.
Workers will remain off the job but will not picket Friday, Northwest Carpenters Union Executive Secretary-Treasurer Evelyn Shapiro said in a statement Thursday evening. Shapiro said the union faces potential legal action from contractors because of unauthorized strikes.
“We are still on strike and members who are required to withhold their labor will continue withholding labor until we have an agreement to consider,” Shapiro said.
The union has been embroiled in internal divisions since its members voted this month to reject a tentative contract deal and go on strike. Union leadership had recommended the deal, which failed on a 56% to 44% vote. That was the fourth tentative agreement rejected by members. Carpenters who voted no said the deal did not offer sufficient pay increases, coverage of parking costs or pension contributions.
A week ago, the strike began, with union pickets slowing work at select job sites around the region.
But many of the union’s members continued working because of widespread no-strike agreements signed with employers. Of the union’s roughly 12,000 members, about 2,000 work at sites where strikes were allowed.
Some union members have criticized union leadership and discussed unsanctioned strikes. Union leadership had warned that could draw legal challenges from employers and cost union resources. Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant entered the fray, backing union members who voted against the deal.
Sawant was present Thursday at a roving protest that included some carpenters and others. Her political party, Socialist Alternative, said in social media posts that the group slowed or stopped work at six job sites. (The union did not provide details on wildcat strikes.)
Sawant’s support for carpenters agitating against union leadership has resulted in a public dispute with Shapiro.
Shapiro accused Sawant of “interfering in the NW Carpenter Union’s democracy just to grab the limelight for her own political agenda.”
MLK Labor, a coalition of unions, said in a tweet Thursday that Sawant should “ask how you can support instead of being a nuisance.”
Sawant has released a letter of support signed by about 80 members of the union, planned a rally for Saturday and said she would pay $10,000 toward a strike fund if the union established one.
She wrote on Facebook this week that the use of no-strike agreements “ties the hands of striking workers.” A public petition organized by Sawant says, “We support the carpenters’ calls to be able to picket all possible job sites, in order to bring the highest pressure to bear to win their demands.”
In a statement Thursday evening, Sawant reiterated support for the striking workers. “Their fight is on behalf of all workers, and I am proud to stand alongside them,” she said.
Shapiro said Thursday that “because of the actions taken today, we have been contacted by legal counsel from several employers who are taking actions against NWCU [Northwest Carpenters Union].”
“These wildcat actions, and roaming protests, conducted in the name of union carpenters, would likely drain union resources (union members’ dues) and threaten the livelihood of our members,” she said.
The Associated General Contractors of Washington, which represents the carpenters’ employers, has not commented since the first day of the strike. Last week, the group said it had offered carpenters a “robust and competitive” offer.
The two sides do not have a date for further bargaining, the union said.
For the rest of us members who are part of Councils in which the delegates have the authority to ratify proposed contracts and override the will of the members, how do we do what the carpenters in Washington State have done?
Where is McCarron in all this chaos??? MISSING IN ACTION.
Please anyone with information on above question, please respond. Philadelphia would love to change that here.
Look at our bylaws.
There was NEVER a provision to relinquish that authority of the member to a sole delegate vote.
Which in itself is a breach and violation.
There are sooo many violations.
A paid rep who is not under the cba or represented by ANY union to include our own...leveraged with threat of their jobs... Can NOT represent the union body fairly ( by design)..
The " delegate" is also a bought and paid for shill. Youll notice a large majority of delegates are " council at will" employees.
Furthering the illusion that it is legitimate.
Dougy what is happening to your UBC??? It looks like the loner commies are growing in population. That can’t be good for business…..
sproles were coming !!!
McCarron was never a supporter of carpenter member's needs . . . he's a sellout to contractors. Look at his 40-year history. Never fought to maintain or increase the member's contractual standards . . . always willing to concession conditions to get an agreement. Doug McCarron is a bigger threat to unionism then the ABC!
Time for change! McCarron and the UBC general officers are a waste of the memberships dues money . . . general officers do nothing. We do not need a general office to govern our union. McCarron and his general office cronies spend their time designing constitutional rules which protects their interest, and giving those general officers total control of our union.
It is time to think outside the box, restructure our organization, and make the necessary changes, which will bring back democracy in our union.
Well said. But I think it’s too late. This country will be lucky to even have unions in the next 20 years.
It needs to start in education. We need to start teaching the young about how unions fought for what we have today and what the perks are in standing together to fight for what your rights are to earn a fair wage and work safely to begin with.
Instead of giving money to these scumbag politicians, invest in educating the youth. They’re the future.
Frank Spencer is behind a lot and will do even more to destroy the UBC. Along with his cronies and collection of politicians
The UBC is run no differently than the trump organization/administration. There is one power hungry idiot at the top that demands loyalty from his weak minded minions. Those minions in turn promise fealty to their leader in order to protect their high dollar paycheck. It is sickening, these ESTs and reps have absolutely no integrity. We are so doomed....
Agreed. All those who support McCarron do so to survive today which guarantees their demise in the near future.
It’s never too late. But, I do agree union education is paramount, and many of our members do not understand the advantages, and or the benefits from membership. Everyone needs to understand, member’s collective strength is effective . . . whether it is bargaining for an agreement with our employers, or changing conditions on a jobsite . . . union members standing together for a common cause is powerful.
Much of the organization’s structure remains. The function of the organization was poisoned by McCarron’s self-serving constitutional rule changes years ago. In most cases, a Local’s officers are powerless, as are Locals are without any stroke . . . all Locals are controlled by the Councils. But, Local Delegates to the Councils, and Local Delegates to the General Conventions have voting capabilities, which are influential
You are correct
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