UNIONS will not be eligible to apply as the program is limited small businesses and to 501(c)(3) charitable organizations. For most unions, PPP LOAN funds will only be available for payroll dollars in a 501(c)(3) training fund.
I find no listing for Placid applying for a PPP Loan in any PPP database. And again under the Cares act Unions are barred from PPP Loans
(1)The PPP database shows Jobsite Steel applies for and receives a $1,310,000 PPP loan. It is approved on May 18,2020.The application list 83 employees. Under the cares act Unions were barred from PPP Loans
(2)On the Placid Investors 2020 filing it lists a $1,310,000 PP Loan it claims ”Placid”(The Company) got in May 2020
(3)Jobsite Hospitality is 100% owned by Placid which is 100% owned by the UBC.The Placid filing claims it was created to run the UBC owned Tru Hotel and Homewood in Las Vegas
(4) The PPP database shows Jobsite Hospitality applied for and received a $1,488,155 PPP Loan on May 1,2020.It lists 150 employees. Under the cares act Unions are barred from PPP Loans
(5) The Placid 2020 filing makes no mention of and does NOT report the $1,488,155 loan as it does the $1,310,000 loan. Are they not legally obligated to do so??
(6) The Placid filing includes an Excel spread sheet. On it is the list of 126 employees of BOTH the Hotels(Jobsite Hosp)and Jobsite Steal whose wages Placid(The UBC) is paying.
So I have to ask .What employees are the two separate loans covering??What are the names of the 83 employees under the Jobsite Steel loan and what are the names of the 150 employees under the Jobsite Hospitality loans. Is Placid collecting twice for the same employees??

So it goes for those above the law.
Why not go to authorities with this or a national news organization it’s going no where on this blog no offense
you would be surprised to know we the authorities have it
just wondering do you really think macaroon ?Spencer ?FLYNN?CAPELLI? are not checking this blog if you think they are not you are seriously mistaken the philly reps can not stay off it right sprolles. now think how this is ruining there day right now knowing all of this info is already going to the feds
"Why not go to authorities" Why would you think we already have not done so. The FACT is already have.Also..You said.."it’s going no where on this blog"..How would you know what this blog is achieving or who reads it.If you did know you would not have made this statement.Wouldn't it be great if before people talk shyte they have a clue what they are talking about...offense intended.
Is Doug McCarron above the law?? I just want to know so I can plan accordingly.
Going on for years what has been done? Doug paying back money from his stock trades? Tricia running her game. Troy pretending to know nothing?
So Feds just want our annuity and pension funds to totally bottom out?
Tricia survived being probed nothing new on that!
Billy is pals with AG of Pennsylvania is the AG associating with him part of a operation or allying with corruption?
No arrest were made with Verrelli tracking device
Pennsylvania AG is running for governor next year probably waiting for the endorsement and pac $
McCarron will go down for much worse than this
I really hope so!!!
The feds don’t care about are annuity and pension funds or how will we do. But they do care about the embezzlement of the monies
Why do the Representatives get a second pension called the international pension, that on average is three times better than the tools on pension? Answer because!!! Don't worry about it it's none of your business don't ask anymore questions or we will file charges on you shut up and sit down, next qusstion
Helps them sleep at night for going along knowing how wrong it is
The Pa AG will not survive an election in Pa.
Aint happening. Not after what happened.
Pa will be right to work state in 2022.
Sproulles and company will be forced to " serve " their members. The dues exodus will sound like the unplugging of a stopped up drain.
Pa is 1 vote away in the house.
Its coming. The language in the bill is actually not bad. Certainly will force unions to re look at how they operate if they think there will be ANY chance to move forward.
The council will indeed be split in half with jersey still lagging and Va already a rtw state.
If Pa goes rtw. Eas is over.
Not that I doubt this but I think they are trying to figure out how to spin it to membership since the last time they couldn’t explain 10 cents
It’s another financial incentive to carry out directives not in the interest of the members. Consider Council Reps out in Pittsburgh, the regular working member isn’t eligible for a full pension (which still isn’t much) unless they can work until they are 65, but the council rep can go out early and cover any loss with the pension payment they get from the UBC.
Nothing too fancy here, just the usual misrepresentation.
Now get back to work!!!
I’m sure your reps are as good as old saloon face wattercotte. Came on a tour to New Jersey and was baffled what a simpleton and now he’s part of the international. Such a unworldly fool what a leader.
Its going to get even worse when Spruills gets bumped up to the international and the political director from nj is given the est spot what a future we have to look forward to i cant make my hours now please save us
Jersey reps were amazed and baffled when they came to a local 8 meeting....they were like... Wow!!! I cant believe you get over 300 members at a meeting.... We were like... Ummm no this isnt a meeting , this is only the stewards meeting... Stick around.
Thats gone.
You would be lucky to get 5 members to pee on a rep if they were on fire now.
Billy was put in as director of organizing having never been one, that was his entry level position at the council. As for abbrantas it will be good for him he can move forward with giving his staff “badges” because he’ll be new Sherriff in town😂
All by design best stewards don’t even go to meetings and by the best I mean the best scumbags
That’s what the choice was for frank, billy over loud mouth satriano
That’s funny shit who in there right mind would bump sprolles up again he so in over head here. He’s not qualified to get break for journeyman let alone be an est He has no chance of moving up they know he is an idiot why do you think they ray Bulgaria’s telling what gp wants. Please do not refer him as a est He’s a complete fool !!!!!
Contract is up in 15 days.
Isnt it nice to be thoroughly informed and have a chance to vote and debate whats in it?
We pay dues why??
This is just pure bullshit.
To pay dues as a member of the UBC is absolutely sickening!!!!
We pay thousands of dollars to be lied to, deceived, miss represented, and robbed!!!
It is april 17th.
Not one word about the contract that YOU will be working under.
Still believe you are in a union?
did macaroon rob the ppp program (YOU KNOW HE DID NOW LETS SE THE FEDS DO SOMETHING )
Never going to happen
He’s robbed so much you think anything matters
Pension is going to change and no one from 253 is saying anything about it.
I like to give a Big Thank You 253 Reps Executive Board Delegates and Trustees. For taking care of themselves and running local into the ground. Also Eddie and Chucky best innocent bystanders good luck
I like to give a Big Thank You 253 Reps Executive Board Delegates and Trustees. For taking care of themselves and running local into the ground. Also Eddie and Chucky best innocent bystanders good luck why don’t you slither under the rock Mike Dejohn hides under
What changes are coming to the 253 pension. I know there saying variable rate to fuck us. But anything else ? That billy sprolles is a crumb pushing this bullshit threw for Doug and frank
Ask your Rep and see what they say then feel free to report back
Good thing Tommy Hurley has made another a protem secretary with such integrity he has sure he wouldn’t want to get jammed up not telling the membership the truth while being the secretary.
Real leader of labor joke and this is the guy who dimed on local 6 remember that!
So. Im assuming we go to work monday. Since no body has any fing info on the contract to include the contractor.
In what galaxy is this a union?
Im out. They make us who we are.
No more. Im starting bidding on store fronts in center city.
There is not a god damn thing you can do to stop it.
I have my own health care. Ooops. There goes your leverage.
The worst enemy of the carpenters union are its own sheep.
The 2nd worse enemy is the carpenter who knows the game and is now taking your work.
If you can do the work, why do it for the UBC??? Why not do it for your self??? It doesn’t cost much to start a carpentry company anymore. License?? Couple hundred bucks. Insurance??? That’s also cheap when none of your employees are on the books. Why fight the non-Union sector and the UBC?? Take care of your self, your friends, and your family, cause you know Team McCarron isn’t. Sproule’s and most members know all to well about working for cash in NJ and now they’re doing it here in Philly.
Good thing your leaders past and present rolled that Layla Rep securing you any work
Layla bibi and cindy Williiams you think they do anything?
Get dummies to call for Virginia politicians. One is from PA and NJ.
Great job.....whatever pronoun!
Ms Bibi is a box checker.
Perhaps the 2nd laziest carpenter i ever worked with.
Thank mike hand and guy for this monster.
Philly and Jersey the worst
Anybody seen Hand on jobs visiting old friends
Does he have any left or did Feds pick him up
Mike Hand has no friends.
He only has parasites clinging to his ballsack.
We have weak members.
Those that work most are those that are ignorant of the trade.
Tommy Doc. Lou Giorla, layla bibi... Prime examples.
Greed, stupidity, and sloth.
Ladies and gents... I present your new fortune 500 frauds.
This isnt a union.
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