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UBC Freedom of Speech Policy

Dear God. How many frigging turds do we actually have?
Its one mccarron cockholster after another.
I guess it makes sense. McCarron has a type. Most sociopaths do.
We reallllly need to clean house.
I guess who would be better to lead the council then another ball sucker we are doomed
Hey Joey welcome to the club!!! Here’s your first assignment: Get out all these documents where you see my signature and stamp your name over mine ok, now get to work because you got a lot of stamping to do!! Here’s another bonus how would a smart wager go getter like your self like to be President of a holding company or two???? You would?? Well sign here!! Of course we’ll have to back date your becoming to about 1997......!!! Don’t stop stamping. One last thing, if any jack booted Govt thugs contact you regarding any crimes I may have committed just remember it was all Capelli because he was in the mob and we had nothing do to with anything he approved ok!! Now say ok!!
Hey Joey you know getting promoted within this organisation today is like getting promoted by the Nazis or by Mussolini right before the end of WWII right??
Excellent analogy.
Like Dan Christies " promotion"
One of his 1st assignments was to cover up Sproules illegal election to EST of the then KML council.
Spin the roulette wheel... Lets see what "council we are this week" ?
Bankrupt EAS... No prob.
Did everyone get a cut of the money? Ok good... Now lets merge them with New England and give it a new name... Ok kids here we go.... Now make sure when you merge ... Muddy the waters.. Make it chaotic ... Grab what you can... Then we will mismanage the wholeee region.
McCarron always wanted 3 swaths of control.
East. West. Middle.
Pretty cool.
In the quest for this ... He has weakened us.
See. Just as the jersey shitbag leadership had nooo ability to " talk" the language of phila or have the contacts.... Can you imagine them now sending us reps that use Smmmmaaahtt pawrrk ta paaahk the caaawwws.
Their going to fit right in in phila or pittsburgh or va.... Cawwse dey r wicked smaaaht.
Its over Dougy.
Lights out eh?
lol funny as shit probably pretty close to real life shit around here the gig is uo douglas
To the Trustees of the Philadelphia Funds. What is taking so long putting together a plan for the members regarding Covid 19 relief. Are you waiting for this crisis to come to an end? Are you gonna provide relief from the savings plan so members have to take the loss?
Why not provide relief from the annuity/ cash? Let us know how you come up with your decision if you ever do. Another example of poor leadership. Thanks leaders
It is ludicrous to believe that ANY relief will be coming to the members in our " union" that wont have a direct cost to the member.
A good union would set up an account immediately.
One way would be to redirect check off dues to this account from members that are working.
I personally dont care if those dues go to another member or not. They are coming out either way.
The problem is. We have sooo many members that would abuse it... You know im right... The same members who would expect it are the same ones who would never " stand united" and take a stand against our union.... As long as they are working.
In fact. We have the power to change EVERYTHING. We have the numbers.
We do not have a union body that stands united at personal loss at times.
There is the WHOLE reason we are where we are.
Union in name only.
What do we as members get in return for the dues we pay?? Job site protection?, No. Effective bargaining of new Agreements? No. The ability to chose who represents us? No. The ability to vote to approve or reject new Agreements? No. The ability to vote to approve new wage break downs? No. Do the members decide what their representatives are paid? No. Do we get to vote on what candidates receive our PAC contributions? No. Can we hold any Council employees accountable for failure to do their job? No. Do Representatives provide members written reports at Union meetings on what they have done on our behalf for the last month? No. Does the Council provide members with an active job list? No. How does paying Billy Sproule’s over $300,000 a year benefit the working member? It makes no difference. Paying Billy Sproule’s $300,000 a year is about as useful as paying Doug McCarron over a $1 million a year to be UBC President. Does any signatory employer need Billy, Doug, Frank or any of these other UBC/Council employees??? Absolutely not.
If we have no say in how our Dues are utilised, if we have no vote on anything we pay for or on the conditions under which we work then we’re not a Union and we should not be paying dues!!!! No taxation without representation!!!! You want your Union back?? Then stop paying dues!!!
Want to know how bad it is?
When your employer , a signatory, that hires about 50 to 70 carpenters , comes to you and says..." Any word on the contract"
Employers are also saying screw this. They arent even being informed as to what their new liability , payrates, benes are going to be.. Yet dont dare be 30 secs late on benes.
This is a disgrace.
This IS mike Hand.
Since when? And WHO decided the contract will be handled at " council"?
No local input or info.
All Carpenters should vote NO to ratify the contract.
No matter what it is.
Vote NO. Freak them out and force them to talk with us and not decide for us.
A No vote initiates a strike.
Is there any of you left with a set of balls. Anyone?
Vote No.
A local vote is purely symbolic at this point and has been for many years. If the majority of members voted no to ratify a new agreement the agreement would be ratified in accordance with Council Bylaws by the Council Delegates, who, as you know are mostly Council employees. The majority Of members will never strike because they can’t afford too. So what to do?? Tell your employer to stop taking dues out of your check that you never authorised being taken out. We are not obligated to pay dues for anything outside of collective bargaining!!! You take your dues deductions from your wages back and guess whose not getting a check next week??? The guys that screw you and me every day!!! Guess who is going to get paid?? You and me because we work with tools and don’t live off our fellow members like parasites.
I just wanted to answer a few questions about dues and what you get. In Philly, you get negotiators without any qualifications or skills. You get representation that does not care about health or safety. So you basically get nothing. I also want to tell you what you get here at this blog for free and from concerned members. You get a member that pointed out three specific jobs that reps were attempting to keep running for their own job security and these jobs were totally non-essential and spreading the coronavirus. A few days later these three non-essential jobs were addressed in a local publication for the city to read. This member and the writer of the article is forcing change and potentially saving lives and the spread of this virus (which our leadership thinks is a joke) in our surrounding communities. There have also been police accident reports and subpoenas involving our phenomenal leadership posted here. Other members that post here, have gone to the NLRB and DOL attempting to make this a better union. Thanks for standing up to the incompetent union leadership and providing transparency here. Keep up the good work and letting the public know what is really going on in the Carpenters Union. This site is surely growing.
Your spot on and I will continue to post on this blog so more and more members can learn what we used to be as a Union and why we can no longer be considered a Union. If we have no say over how our dues are used then we don’t have to pay them!!!
You keep telling everyone to stop paying their dues y don’t y be the first 1 to stop paying yours. All it takes is 1
I plan on not paying dues for anything not related to collective bargaining activities after I go back to work post CoVid. To not pay dues is a message worth repeating as it is the only thing left we as members can do. What says you?? Are you going to stop paying dues or are you going to let the short bus slobs keep taking your money while you only cry and complain??
If I can a job ill stop paying what they can they really do to us?
They’ll tell your employer to lay you off for failure to pay dues in accordance with the Union Security clause. The Union will tell you that you have to sign a dues authorisation card. You’ll have to refuse to sign the card and then get a Labor attorney to threaten a lawsuit to make the payment of dues optional, based on your consent, that can be revoked if you believe the Union is violating your first amendment rights and or wants your money to spend on things not germane to collective bargaining, such as golf outings, paying staff You didn’t vote for, etc. At that point the Union would be smart to drop their pursuit of your dues to avoid a precedent setting loss in court that all members could then use to revoke their consent to authorise their employer to take 4% plus out of their gross wages.
A retiree is the member that should really challenge the payment of dues in court because they have the same standing a non retired member does but they have benefit of a pension that working members don’t.
Everyone could just become agency fee payers. We would still pay dues (so that we can stay working) that covered union organizing and negotiation fees, but it would also take a lot of money from them that they use now in a corrupt fashion. This in turn would reduce our dues and the dues that they get from us and its also documented on the UBC LM report. BIG BLACK EYE.. Once Doogie leaves office in shame over it, you can jump back in as a full member.
Its kind of a half though thru idea, doesn't matter though cause you cant get anyone to band together anymore for anything so it wont ever work.
That’s the beauty of revoking your consent to pay any kind of dues on the grounds that the dues are used to engage in activities that you don’t support nor voted to approve, it doesn’t require any member to do more than tell their employer to stop taking dues from their gross wages. What member wouldn’t do that today?? Regarding fair share fees or agency fees the US Supreme Court just knocked them down too in the Janus case in 2018.
Now that being said this right to revoke your consent to authorise employers to deduct dues from your wages has to be fought for, something that hasn’t been done yet.........
Most of you already are in the good position of not having ANY consent given as far back as the 1st merger.
Heres why. And yes this is an already filed complaint. More than 1 member with more than one agency.
All of you who did NOT sign up for the mix 20/20 the 1st time... More specifically if you read the skill set application and DID NOT SIGN THE LAST PARAGRAPH GIVING NRCC ( AT the time your cba rights) you all are in good shape to cease dues.
I posted this 4 years ago. Many times since... And once again.
Unless the UBC sent you a specific request to sign your consent and cba rights ... Not hidden in a skill set document signed under duress because you were deceived by what that paper was saying.
The avg member sees the form.
Fills it out.
And signed the deceptive final clause because it was implied that in order to be eligible for the " work list" you had to fill the form out.
It was deceptive coercion and whether you know it or not you signed under duress... Which nullifies that contract.
Its being adjudicated as we speak.
The nrcc and new leadership and your " old friends"
Lied to you.
This lie however will cost them dearly.
Keep it up guys. You know who you are.
The nrcc/ kml/ now EAS have been stealing from your paycheck every week if you never gave consent.
Think about that!!
What should all the nonunion carpenters that pay dues to the hall and are not members do? They are forced to pay dues if they want to keep their jobs.
Spot on, and I do think about the money they steal out of my check every week fir services they don’t provide. Getting the former members of the MRC to sign up for the Mix 20 system was the NRCC’s no. 1 Priority, this is why Reps were told you if they referred anyone out to work outside of the Mix 20 list they would be fired on the spot!! Of course most members never signed up because they didn’t need the Mix 20 list to get a job. Now it’s rarely talked about, sorta like the MUP program......
Non members don’t pay dues.
They do in Philadelphia
"Non members don’t pay dues" WRONG!! Non members do pay dues by force..They are called Agency Fee payers.When they work on any job controlled by Union criminal syndicates they are forced to pay dues. Despite all the lies and Union propaganda BS that is the only thing right to work laws are for. They stop workers from being forced to give Union scum bags a part of their paycheck..
That is extortion. Is this currently going on in Philadelphia?
I guess so everyone can se why the unions pushes the propaganda so hard that right to work will kill us so they use our own money to keep their members brainwashed you don't fool us all only your blind follwers
Yes it is. And its more prevelant now than ever in our history. Which is a 138 years.
Wake up. You are being sold out by this leadership by " provisionals" and agency payers.
The last 4 years has been an insane jump..... But shhhhhh. Its for the good of the union... Just not you the member.
To be clear when I say “non-members” I mean those that don’t belong to a Union and pay monthly membership dues, in addition to check off dues when working under a “members only” CBA like I do.
I think your referring to non-member craft workers that don’t belong to any Union that would have to pay dues when working on a project subject PLA that includes a Union Security clause. Those workers that pay an agency fee generally work in the public sector and as of 2018, even agency fees are now optional due to the Janus Case. So I guess if a non-member was working on a job subject to a PLA that required anyone performing covered work to pay dues the non member could probably opt out.
Say it isn’t so. Philadelphia really. I wonder how long this has been going on. Inform us leaders
They sure are doing it in Philadelphia for years. Ask the team leader, asst est and est. they know all about it. They are the ones currently doing it.
To be clear when I say “non-members” I mean those that don’t belong to a Union and pay monthly membership dues, in addition to check off dues when working under a “members only” CBA like I do.
To be clear NO that is not what I am referring to.I am talking about non members who choose not to join a Union and work for a Union signatory contractor on ANY project can and are forced to pay monthly dues as Agency Fee payers. There is no members only job or contractor.No worker can be denied employment by a signatory contractor or the ability to work on any job with a signatory contractor based on Union membership.Thye can however be forced to pay ONLY Union dues. Despite the horsehyte you are told by your Union when a Union calls up and tells your employer he cannot hire or he must fire because he or she is not in the Union the employer is legally obligated to tell the Union to kiss their ass.A PLA is not a factor.
"hose workers that pay an agency fee generally work in the public sector" Wrong. There are many Agency Fee payers in all Private sector Unions..
"So I guess if a non-member was working on a job subject to a PLA that required anyone performing covered work to pay dues the non member could probably opt out" Wrong. Not in a private sector Union situation. Janus only applies to Public Sector Union situations.Hopefully a case will be brought before the courts challenging forced Union extortion.Because of the Janus ruling it will never have to go to the Supreme court and the Federal courts will rule against the Unions. They will waste members dues to appeal but do not have a chance
Interesting I have never heard of a non-member being employed by a signatory contractor that I know of. Are there many “non-members” working in the Philly area that only pay “agency fee” dues?? What I remember of the Union Security clause in my Agreement, for what’s it worth, is that the employer could employ anyone they wanted but after two weeks that employee would become a member but their continued membership was contingent upon paying dues. I guess there could be an opportunity for non-members to be employed by a signatory contractor. This can’t be a very common practice in Philly. Granite I work in a speciality trade but I do know many Philly carpenters and I never heard of anyone doing this. Again interesting. I’ve always said that the Janus case created an opportunity for private sector members to opt out of paying Union dues that are used in ways that they do not approve of. Interesting..... Either way I do not want to pay dues to a Union that is no longer run by the members, that remains unchanged.
Yes it’s crazy what leaders will do to take money from workers paychecks. The new regime continues to do it in Philadelphia
I didn’t mind paying dues under the MRC because I had a say in my work, my Union, and got a return on the investment.
Are all the reps still working from home? The hall has been closed for almost a month and I havent heard of any reps being out on the jobsites! Oh never mind, they're calling you from home to see how you're doing. Well while we sit home trying to get unemployment our reps are making 100k to sit home and be secretaries!! Anyone see a problem with this???
Have our leaders taken paycuts or volunteered for layoffs? Many company leaders across the country volunteered to take paycuts to help their company survive. Nobody can justify what the reps are even doing for their pay. Have you seen how much money we spend on payroll and benefits at the hall. It is outrageous! With no money coming in these guys better have reserves and be good at accounting.
No rep. should be getting paid right now let them sign up like the rest of us
It's all for McCarran's political expediency, Another Hand picked suck ass! This one comes complete with fold back teeth and pistol grip ears
Joe LOL. Zero leadership skills-zero experience. The Council is circling the drain with the empty suit at the helm and the lack of real Union Leaders at the top. SMFH.
Only thing worst than a coward is a coward with power Joe must Go!!!!!!
Lack of accountability is destroying NASCARR LOL. Staff appointments to suit a political agenda! Thats the only transparent thing No show Joe has done.
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